20.-21.5.2025, University of Helsinki
Education in Emergencies: A Lifeline for the Future, this two-day international conference, hosted by Finn Church Aid and the University of Helsinki, is your opportunity to connect with leading experts, educators, academia and policymakers shaping the future of education in emergencies and protracted crises.
Gain exclusive insights from inspiring speakers like Prof. Loise Gichuhi, Danielle Falk, Ph.D and Friedrich Affolter.
Participate in interactive workshops and panels
Network with global changemakers
Together, we will shape education solutions that save and sustain lives in the most challenging circumstances.
Date: 20.-21.5.2025
Place: University of Helsinki
How to get there
Where to stay
Event is free, but seats are limited, make sure to register early!
Professor, University of Nairobi, ERICC Board Vice Chair
She is widely recognized as a higher education educator and a consultant in Education in Emergencies. She has a Ph.D. in Economics of Education from the University of Nairobi, a Master’s in Education Planning and Curriculum Development, and a Bachelor of Education (Mathematics and Economics) from Kenyatta University. She has over 30 years of extensive experience in Education Policy, Planning and Curriculum Development; Education in Emergencies, Programming, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation. She is currently based at the University of Nairobi, where she coordinates the Education in Emergencies Programme. She has a passion for humanitarian education and inclusive education that supports marginalised communities and refugees. From 2021 to February 2024, she held the role of the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) Country Focal Point for Kenya. She is a board member of ERICC and also serves as a vice chair.
Education Researcher at the International Rescue Committee
Her research focuses on the lived experiences of teachers in crisis contexts as well as the policy environment influencing their work.
For the last nine years, she has contributed to research on teacher well-being, teacher identity, teacher professional development (TPD), teacher management, and school leadership in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Sudan, and has designed and implemented multi-modal, continuous TPD for teachers in these settings.
Global Education Cluster Coordinator, UNICEF
He has led and participated in programmes on strengthening inclusive and gender-sensitive learning systems, community education and mobilization, risk-informed education-for-resilience programming, education for peacebuilding, early childhood development, and psychosocial protection – in duty stations including Syria, Afghanistan, Angola, South Africa, Sudan, Bolivia and UNICEF HQ New York.
Education in Emergencies Specialist, Plan International Finland’s humanitarian education programmes
She focuses on inclusive and quality education in fragile and crisis contexts. A teacher herself, Lyydia has a strong passion for human rights and enhancing equality through access to education. She has worked in global education development in Africa, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and the Caribbean with the UN, NGOs, the Ministry of Education of Finland, as well as the private sector.
Education Technical Lead at Finn Church Aid Uganda
With 18 years of experience in the education sector, he leads the Uganda programme strategies to enhance access to quality, inclusive education for over 150,000 learners and 1,900 teachers annually. Filbert guides FCA’s role as co-lead of the national EiE Sector Working Group alongside UNHCR and the Ministry of Education. He is a co-chair of Uganda’s Accelerated Education Programme, Cash for Education, and Secondary Education Task Teams in EiE Sector Working group. His academic background in education, population health, and monitoring & evaluation underpins his commitment to impactful solutions for displaced and marginalized communities.
Senior Education Adviser at the Department for Development Policy in Finland’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs
He has 19 years of experience from different education-related positions in the Ministry and various embassies, most recently as the Head of Cooperation in Palestine. Before that, he worked 10 years in the National Agency for Education, and in the UN. His work experience includes planning, monitoring and supervising education programmes on all continents with Finland’s bilateral partner countries and with all major education-related multilateral agencies.
M.Soc.Sci, Doctoral Researcher
She is finalising her PhD on human rights education at the University of Helsinki’s Faculty of Educational Sciences. She works in Democratic education and political polarisation in the era of global crises (DEMOPOL) (2021-2025) research project. She has diverse working experience with democracy and human rights education, children's rights and participation.
Senior Policy and Partnerships Advisor at EiE Hub
She joined the EiE Hub with 15 years' experience in the legal and international humanitarian sectors. A trained lawyer, she worked several years with the ICRC in Afghanistan, Central African Republic, DRC and Colombia where she assumed various roles in the protection and assistance of victims of conflict, including coordination positions. Earlier in her career, she also worked for an NGO dedicated to the defence and rehabilitation of children living on the street in Latin America, contributing to the implementation of its educational activities.
Prof. Loise Gichuhi University of Nairobi, INEE Focal Point for Kenya, ERICC Board Vice Chair – Education as a lifesaving and life-sustaining action.
Danielle Falk, Ph.D. ERICC Research Consortium Global Lead on Teacher Issues – Supporting teacher well-being and professional development in crisis contexts.
Friedrich Affolter, Global Education Cluster Coordinator – Role and impact of the Global Education Cluster: for increased accountablity and transparency.
Interactive Workshops
Explore and test new innovations for EiE delivery presented by HundrED, GraphoGame and other exiting exhibitors.
Practical sessions on teacher development, refugee integration, and advocacy strategies.
Latest Academic Research
Theoretical and empirical paper sessions provide a forum for dialogue and sharing of expertise in EiE situations. Call for abstracts opens 10th of December. Call is coordinated by University of Helsinki. More details to be shared on social media and on this website
Networking Opportunities
Engage with policymakers, researchers, and practitioners from around the world, with a reception hosted by the City of Helsinki.
These are just a few of the highlights – more program updates and exciting speakers will be announced soon!
8:30-9:15 Arrival
09:20 – 09:30 Welcome words
09:40-10:10 Keynote Address
10:10- 10:30 Opening Remarks
10:30-11:15 Coffee Break and networking
11:15 12:00 High Level Panel
12:00 – 12:30 Expert Speech
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 14:30 Panel discussion
14:30-15:10 Agree / Disagree- statement based ‘Hot Seat’
15:10-15:45 Introduction to Academic Paper Session
15:45- 17:15 Parallel Academic Paper sessions
A parallel session for theoretical and empirical papers will take place on Tuesday 20th May. These sessions provide a forum for dialogue and sharing of expertise in Education in Emergency situations. The papers presented will focus on, but not limited to, the following sub-themes.
Session 1: Mental Health and Psychosocial (MHPSS) support for teachers and students in emergencies
Session 2: Preparing teachers in pre-and in-service teacher education for emergencies and crises
Session 3: Partnerships and cooperation of different actors and stakeholders within Education in Emergencies responses
Session 4: Values and principles underlying Education in Emergencies
17:30-17:45 Closing of the Day
18.10 Leaving for the Reception
18:30-20:00 Helsinki City Reception
08:30 - 09:00 Arrival
09:00 - 09:10 Opening Remarks
09:10-09:30 Keynote Address
09:30-10:00 Keynote Address
10:00 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11.00-11.40 Expert Speech
11:40 - 12:30 Panel Discussion
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-14:15 Moving to selected sessions
14:15 – 16:30 Parallel Sessions: Practitioners’ Corners
Session 1: Innovations in EiE Delivery
Come to discover how high-quality tech solutions can have an impact for various infrastructural environments, focusing on enhancing learning outcomes and experiences as well as teachers’ pedagogical approaches. During the spotlights you will have a chance to hear more from the UNICEF Global Learning Innovation Hub and its work in accelerating access to quality digital education, including in emergency settings working with UNICEF Country Offices and governments. GraphoGame: the most researched literacy game in the world, will bring their award winning learning platform, HundrED: a mission-driven organisation helping every child flourish through education innovation presents solutions from their Global Collection 2025 and Tespac will showcase their solution on bringing energy and internet to distant and challenging contexts.
Session 2: Refugee Integration
Join the discussion with Education Research in Conflict and Protracted Crisis (ERICC) Programme and Finn Church Aid on challenges and solutions of future refugee responses. Danielle Falk Ph.D. will lead the participants to an evidence-based discussion on refugee integration, joined by Finn Church Aid staff reflecting on the realities on the ground. How can different actors support host governments in integration of refugee learners to national education systems?
Session 3: Teacher Continuous Professional Development in EiE settings
Join World University Service of Canada, Finn Church Aid and Teacher working in EiE contexts in a learning session on professional development opportunities in Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises situations. What has worked and why in teacher training, mentoring and coaching? What should be done differently?
Session 4: Human rights-based argumentation for EiE
Join this practical session with EiEHub and Finn Church Aid to work on EiE Advocacy. We will be using international human rights treaties as a base of advocacy messaging, using examples from different humanitarian contexts.
16:00-16:15 Moving to Closing Ceremony
16:15 - 16:40 Closing Remarks
16:40-17:15 Closing by Organisers
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences
Parallel Session: Scientific research in EiE
20 May 2025
Considering the increasing number of emergencies and crises at a global level, more research is needed to address challenges in different contexts and conditions. In war zones, in conflict and violence-prone environments, extreme weather or environmental disasters of health put students and teachers at risk and under high stress, and also increase poverty, inequality and discrimination.
Education in Emergencies (EiE) Conference invites researchers to share their studies on how to support students, teachers, parents, and education systems in emergencies and crises. Educating teachers, student teachers and education professionals in and for education in emergencies, has become an urgent task in our global world.
UNESCO (2010) defines an educational emergency as “a crisis situation created by conflicts or natural disasters which have destabilised, disorganised or even destroyed the education system, and which requires an integrated process of crisis and post-crisis response”. Education in emergency programs are, then, a response to crisis conditions and require planning for future educational development. For planning education programs for emergency and crisis situations, an awareness of international development and humanitarian policies is needed, as well as the principles and practices underlying a rights-based approach.
To deal with these contemporary, burning issues, the EiE Conference: A Lifeline for the Future will host a parallel session for research presentations and open up a forum for dialogue and sharing of expertise in Education in Emergency situations globally and locally.
Toward this end, the papers that will be presented in the parallel session will focus on, but not limited to, the following sub-themes (and examples for possible research foci):
• Mental Health and Psychosocial (MHPSS) support for teachers and students in emergencies (for example, proposals can focus on (but not be limited to): socio-emotional support, cooperation with different actors; preparing and providing material support; practices and strategies for inclusion of youth; dealing with death and loss).
• Preparing teachers in pre-and in-service teacher education for emergencies and crises (for example: pedagogy in displacement contexts: case studies of implementations and background with regard to teacher support, supervision, coaching and mentoring etc.).
• Partnerships and cooperation of different actors and stakeholders within Education in Emergencies responses (for example: mitigation and preparation for global vs. local crises, including disasters caused by natural hazards, complex emergencies, displacement crises etc., in the education sector; peace work at different levels (e.g., peacebuilding, peace education, conflict resolution, triple nexus etc.); organization of learning environments in emergencies and protracted crises).
• Values and principles underlying Education in Emergencies (for example: cultural and ethical challenges with regard to equity, gender, inclusiveness, intersectionality, minority rights etc.; humanitarian & development interventions; aims, purposes and implementation of EiE; ethical, cultural, philosophical, psychological, historical and policy perspectives on EiE).
Research session organizers:
Prof. Hannele Niemi, UNESCO Chair on Educational Ecosystems for Equity and Quality of Learning Prof. Arto Kallioniemi, UNESCO Chair on Values, Dialogue and Human Rights
Abstract proposal guidelines
The presentation is based on completed or ongoing research related to the topic and sub-topics of the parallel session. The abstract should include the following sections:
• Title: The title should make it clear what your research is about (maximum number of words:12).
• Background: This section answers the “why” of your research. Explain in one or two sentences what is known in relation to your topic. Point out the gap that your research addresses and what research question(s) you intend to answer.
• Methodology: In this section describe the “how” of your research. Outline your tools, study design, sample characteristics, as appropriate.
• Main results or findings: This section is the “what” section that introduces your main findings. The results or findings should be the longest section of the abstract. State the main findings of your work in accordance with what you wrote in the background section. The preliminary findings of your ongoing research can be discussed in your presentation.
• Conclusions and relevance: Clearly state the main conclusion(s) that arise from your research and highlight the significance of your findings. Link the implications of your findings to the conference topic and sub-themes.
List 3-4 key references of your research. These references are not included in the final word count. The proposed format for the presentation is: title/background/methodology/main results/conclusions.
The maximum number of words for the abstract proposal is 200.
• Registration to the Conference and the parallel session opens: 4 December 2024
• Abstract submission starts: 10 December 2024
• Abstract submission deadline: 14 February 2025 to https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/77323/submitter
• Letter of acceptance: at the latest 1 March 2025
We are happy to be able to offer the conference participants a discount with Scandic Hotels. You will automatically receive the discount code after registering, to the e-mail address provided.
Reservations are made at Scandic Hotels. You can choose your preferred room type from all Scandic Hotels in Helsinki city.
You are eligible for an additional discount when paying for the reservation immediately upon booking.
The cancellation conditions of the reservation depends on the type of reservation chosen by you at booking. To confirm the reservation, the guest must provide the hotel with valid credit card information.
The rooms can be booked according to the hotel's booking status no later than 10 days before arrival.
There is a direct train connection from Helsinki Airport to the Helsinki city center. You can purchase tickets at the train station or via the HSL app.
Please visit Visa to visit Finland - Ministry for Foreign Affairs for information on the visa process and countries eligibility.
The following conference information note and agenda can be used as support in a visa application: EiE Conference information note.pdf
Getting around
The venue is centrally located, within easy walking distance of hotels in the Helsinki city area. For longer distances, you can use trams 10, 7, 5, 4, and 2. Tickets can be purchased via the HSL app.
Dress code
No dress code, please feel free to dress comfortably as per your choosing.
Conference fee
The conference attendance is free of charge. The places are limited, make sure to register to secure your place.
Whilst the event is free, please note we cannot offer any scholarships or support for travel, visa or accommodation costs.
Registration is now open. The last date for registration is 15.4.2025 but spaces are limited so register early!
You are able to amend your registration details until 15.4.2025 via the link in your confirmation email.
Contact details
You can reach out to teresa.heinamaa@kirkonulkomaanapu.fi with any additional questions or issues