05.5.2025 klo 09:00 - 06.5.2025 klo 15:00, University of Eastern Finland

Inclusive Universities Seminar

What does it take for a person with intellectual disabilities or other support needs to study at university? Is higher education really attainable for all?

Inclusive Universities Seminar gathers together people from the Finnish Education field to discuss how could we make Finnish Universities and higher education instances attainable for people with intellectual disabilities and other support needs.

Guests from Austria, Ireland and Switzerland come to illuminate their process on building IPSE (Inclusive Post-Secondary Education) programmes, which enable people with intellectual disabilities to study in Universities.

Based on the experiences from our international guests - What can we in Finland do to bring our higher education system closer to the ideal of inclusion?

Sign up to the seminar



Date: 5.5.-6.5.2025

Address: Yliopistokatu 7, Joensuu, Finland. Metria, M107 (changers to room possible).

The seminar is free, but the number of participants live are limited to 40 attendees. Secure your place in the seminar by signing up.

You can also stream parts of the seminar. Sign up to get the link to the stream.

Seminar is organized by University of Eastern Finland's facility of special education in co-operation with Tukena Foundation.


Aino Äikäs


Risto Räkköläinen


Sign up to the seminar

Metria Yliopistokatu 7 Joensuuu
Text and image section image

Welcome to the seminar

Are Universities and higher education instances attainable for everyone?

Inclusion is a theme often discussed in the field of education. It has become a buzzword, used in different meanings.

The purpose of Inclusive Universities Seminar is to learn about the IPSE (Inclusive Post-Secondary Education) training programs operating in Austria, Ireland and Switzerland and their operational models that concretely support students with developmental disabilities in university studies.

In addition, the seminar aims to making new openings on how the Finnish higher education field could be a pioneer and innovator in enabling an equal, accessible and equal educational path.

Who can participate?

The seminar is for everyone interested in the subject; university staff members, students, social workers, people with support needs or intellectual disabilities and their relatives, active members of the local community, third sector actors, vocational school staff etc.

Participation in the seminar is free of charge.

Please sign up to the seminar before hand, number of participants are limited to 50 attendees.

You can also stream parts of the seminar. Sign up to get the link to the stream.


Monday 5.5.




Welcome to the Seminar!

Welcoming words from University of Eastern Finland


Current situation in Finland - Main challenges, questions and concerns

Aino Äikäs, senior university lecturer, special education, University of Eastern Finland

Erkko Sointu, professor, special education, University of Eastern Finland


What are Inclusive Universities? What do we mean by them?

Michael Shevlin, professor, inclusive education, Trinity College, Ireland


What would Inclusive education programmes bring from the perspective of student union?

Henni Hassinen, chair of board, Student Union Poikkeus




Inclusive Universities in Practice - Introducing Three Examples from Europe

BLuE [Bildung (Education), Life-Competence und (and) Empowerment], Salzburg University, Salzburg, Austria – Wolfgang Plaute et al.

Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities (TCPID), Dublin, Ireland – Michael Shevlin et al.

Project écolsiv, Institute Unterstras , Zürich, Switzerland – Mathias Gubler et al.


Conclusions and final thoughts

Aino Äikäs, University of Eastern Finland

Risto Räkköläinen, Tukena Foundation

Tuesday 6.5.




How is inclusion currently realized from the perspective of a person with support needs?



How to support students in transition phases?

Petra Rantamäki, director of development, Tukena Foundation


The role of leadership in developing inclusion in universities

Jukka Vetoniemi, Board of Education


Simultaneous workshops

Workshop 1: University staff members - How to make it work in practice? (Wolfgang Plaute, Michael Shevlin, Mathias Gubler)

Workshop 2: What are the benefits of the programme for students and tutors? (IPSE Students and tutors from Salzburg and Zürich)




Final discussion

What do we need to make the change?

What are the next steps?

How can international IPSE communities and networks help to achieve it?

Aino Äikäs, University of Eastern Finland

Risto Räkköläinen, Tukena Foundation


End of seminar

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